
Sunday, January 10, 2010

ROMANIA (Braila) -Christmas 2009

I went to Romania to visit my friend and her family at Christmas 2009. The flight over was delayed 12 hours at Stansted, which did'nt start me off in a very good holiday mood.

I eventually arrived at midnight in Bucharest the capital city of Romania. I still needed to travel another 3 hours to Braila, but stayed overnight in a hotel. Next day travelled with my friend by mini-bus to Braila where she lives. The roads were bad and very icy, after some heavy snowfalls a few days earlier. So I was really hoping they had no more before I went back a week later. Didn't travel too far that week, as it was too cold and such long distances to get to see anywhere there. I helped cook the Christmas meal, which was Vegetarian!. I made a Nut Roast to have with the Vegetables. They all seemed to enjoy it anyway. A different kind of Xmas to the usual ones in the UK obviously. The Flight back was on time but was very tiring with so much travel, having a three hour drive back after landing.

Since I returned home the Snow & Ice followed me back here to the UK!

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